We, the owners, management and operators of sports facilities where fields and/or activity areas are within an Air Supported Structure (dome) submit this petition for the consideration of the Province of Ontario and City of Toronto to officially deem Air Supported Structures as outdoor spaces.
This petition is supported by the findings of Gerald N.Catt P.Eng BDS GSC (Consulting Engineer) – who has stated that, due to the continuous forced fresh air flow into these “domes”, that the air quality is comparable to outdoor conditions. These types of domes have a minimum internal height of 36' and can go as high as 70', and are held up by large volumes of fresh air that is constantly being replaced by more fresh air in order to maintain its pressre. Mr Catt has also stated that Air Supported Structures have a minimum of fifty (50) times more outside fresh air to that of an average 20’ x 20’ classroom.
With the fresh air component proving more than sufficient and within safe parameters, typical dome layouts can safely accommodate multiple groups of athletes while maintaining ample physical distancing.
Furthermore, prior to the November 23rd lockdown, many of the current dome operators around the City of Toronto have adjusted their operations, reduced capacities, set up sanitization points, and installed non-permeable barriers between areas as well as numerous other upgrades as required by the Public Health Authority so as to allow safe activity while inside these sports domes.
Considering the above, it should be considered SAFE to allow training and practice activities inside these domes in alignment with activities that are permitted outdoors during any control or lockdown stage.
Moreover , It is to our understanding that there have not been any breakouts within organized team sport training and practice in Ontario, as we have found that teams conducting their training sessions have been conducting all activities in a safe manner that include maintaining distancing, daily health checks and contract tracing, and sanitization of equipment and hands. In conclusion, air supported structures should be considered as Outdoors, that are safe and capable of hosting “outdoor gatherings or activities” in alignment with Public Health Authority guidelines.
As the City and Province take initiative to promote mental and physical health and wellbeing by opening up ice rinks and other winter programs, we believe that dome sports facilities should be allowed to open under the same guidelines and capacities as well.
For Reference:
Consultant Engineer Report - Air Supported Structures Safe During COVID-19
North Toronto Soccer Club Training Overview (0 Cases July to present)