(PID# 28-117-23-34-0017)
The woods across from the Wedgewood Forest are now part of a Tonka Bay city council plan for an “Indian Mounds Cemetery” to permanently house the soils currently in front of Tonka Bay city hall and Manitou Park.
Tonka Bay’s consultant WSB Engineering who was hired to manage the 2024 road project removed 5000+ cubic yards of soil from Pleasant Ave and Brentwood Ave without following necessary procedures to involve the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council (MIAC). As a result they, along with the Tonka Bay City Council, are pushing forward a plan of destruction to the neighborhood of Pleasant Avenue, Lilah Lane and Wedgewood Drive that includes plans to use the woods and wetland area for the creation of new Indian burial mounds from the soil stockpiles at city hall. All of the Pleasant and Brentwood Ave soil removal was monitored and filtered and no remains or artifacts were found. The plan also includes a provision to use the neighborhood's woods and wetland again for additional soil storage as a part of future city-wide road projects. Despite pleas from the neighborhood to find an alternative solution, the council continues to spend taxpayer dollars to move forward on this destructive option.
This petition intends to present public feedback and stop the soil from being moved to this residential neighborhood, directly next to our protected wetlands. The plan will also remove one of our community’s last standing old growth forests that provides critical habitat to wildlife. The soil may also contain road contaminants, with dangerous runoff possibly creating more problems than it solves. Once this area is cleared, it cannot be undone.
Petitions Work:
335+ residents signed the petition to save the Wedgewood Forest (PID#33-117-23-21-0042) from destruction for a holding pond; Shorewood ruled to leave those natural woods ‘as is’, noting too many citizen objections.
Please join together to save this 11.36 acre parcel of land, known in Hennepin County as PID# 28-117-23-34-0017 (and to its’ citizens as “Tonka Bay Woods & Wetland”).
Comments with your signature are a big help in understanding why you object.
Emails can be directed to; TBwoodsandwetland@gmail.com
Thank you,
Tonka Bay Woods & Wetland team