Residents against the Kenilworth Nurseries Development
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Opposition to the proposed development on Kenilworth Nurseries and adjoining land
At first glance the field behind Kenilworth Nurseries may look like an ideal place for infill on the edge of Retford. But look again at the unsuitable entrance – the only access is by a single-track road next to a visually obstructive bridge. Safety will be compromised by right-turning vehicles. What about access for emergency and other large vehicles? Have the traffic surveys taken into account the combined impact on London Road of the Barkers development and the Northern Rubber developments?
We feel this development would:
- cause cumulative traffic problems along London Road, Retford’s main road south
- exacerbate flooding problems downstream in Retford unless there is huge investment in the drainage system
- double the size of the area south of Bracken Lane, without providing the necessary infrastructure
- the development would not bring any tangible benefits to Retford as a market town
- There are many far more suitable locations for additional housing in Bassetlaw
For these reasons we urge to Planning Committee to reject this proposal.