PRESERVE CHAMBLEE: Say NO to four houses at 1723 Harts Mill Rd – Say NO to flag lots in Chamblee
Preserve Chamblee

PRESERVE CHAMBLEE: Say NO to four houses at 1723 Harts Mill Rd – Say NO to flag lots in Chamblee

385 signers. Add your name now!
Preserve Chamblee
385 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the residents of the Cities of Chamblee and Brookhaven, are adamantly opposed to a multi-house subdivision on one acre at 1723 Harts Mill Rd. We maintain that the property should be developed in accordance with NR-1 zoning requirements (one single family residence), and we respectfully request that the Chamblee City Council NOT approve ANY variances or waivers related to this development at the vote to take place Tues, July 21, 2020.

(NOTE: The deadline to sign this petition is 11am on Monday, July 20, so that it can be filed with the City Clerk before the 12pm deadline prior to the City Council Meeting and vote.)

Please visit for more information on this proposed development and specific action you can take to help support our cause.

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