Branding Mafia 0

Less Regulation For Plexus Worldwide Ambassadors

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Network Marketers understand the need for compliance. Not only does it protect the company but the representatives as well. However, too many rules and regulations can kill creativity, productiveness, individuality, trust between executives and representatives and commissions. Essentially, it creates a company culture of robots and monotony.

Network Marketers are salespeople. And in sales, individuality is vital. Whereas, some potential customers may relate to one salesperson, others may not. When all representatives operate under the same stringent processes and procedures, the company is only reaching one market; the one that relates to monotonous sales methods.

Ambassadors for Plexus Worldwide have experienced this excessive compliance overreach in recent months. While all ambassadors agree that the company should do everything necessary to protect their brand, most agree that the superfluous compliance regulations has not only harmed their commissions but their faith in Plexus as well.

A few examples of how include,

1. Compliance claiming the FTC does not allow weight loss claims and "before and after" photos. This is a false claim. FTC 16 CFR Part 255 states, "...the ad should disclose what results they do generally achieve (e.g., "most women who use WeightAway lose 15 pounds")

2. Terminating ambassadorship without warning or sufficient evidence.

3. Contradicting rules on representing two different MLMs (e.g., The handbook states you can represent another MLM as long as it is not a health and wellness company but multiple reps have been terminated for representing an apparel company at the same time as Plexus)

4. Ambassadors can no longer use their own personal testimonies during the sales process even if their claim is within FTC guidelines.

5. Claiming or not putting-to-rest the rumors made by Jewel uplines that federal law requires ambassadors to delete all friends and followers they accumulated since joining Plexus.

6. Can't use any graphics that aren't approved by Plexus compliance.

These are just a few of the numerous unnecessary regulations Plexus has put into place in recent months.

Although Plexus has seen the sharp decline in sales and new ambassadors and increase in ambassador turnover which began during the same time the surplus of compliance rules were released, they have continued to place more restraints on their ambassadors.

By signing your First Name and Last Initial (along with state in which you reside) you are hereby asking Plexus to:

1. Discontinue all existing and refrain from creating new unnecessary compliance rules which are not required by the Federal Trade Commission, Food and Drug Administration or any other governing agencies.

2. Update and make available ambassador handbook to which Plexus ambassadors, officials, compliance and corporate adhere to.

3. Develop a consistent discovery process for investigating claims made against ambassadors for cross-recruiting.

4. Develop a consistent discipline policy for ambassadors for violating company policies.

5. Understand that everyone processes information differently, has different goals, and defines success differently. Provide support and encouragement regardless of level, rank or time with company.

6. Drive both employee and customer engagement by actively listening, and proactively strive to build trust and respect of every single ambassador instead of only the jewels.

7. Bridge the gap between Diamonds and ambassadors by promoting leadership and relationships between the two rather than valuing one over the other.

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