Add SOCCER to the PRHS Athletic Program

We, as a community of parents and players, are urging the Pea Ridge School Board and Staff to implement a high school and/or Junior High soccer program.
Please join our neighboring district across Northwest Arkansas in implementing a soccer program.
Currently soccer is not a high school sport in Pea Ridge. With the current interest, we would like to change that. We believe it will be sustainable in Pea Ridge. Currently after U14 with the Pea Ridge Thunder Soccer club many kids discontinue
the sport to learn volleyball, basketball or various other sports
because they are offered at the high school level. By adding soccer to
the High School it will give kids yet another opportunity to be active
in sports, learn teamwork, morals and open more doors for scholarship
opportunities. We the undersigned, support a decision to add soccer as a
High School sport at Pea Ridge High.