Let's Bring Oliver to Bnei Baruch One Congress 2015

Oliver registered for the Bnei Baruch One Congress but was later told that his registration to attend the conference was declined with a vague reason mentioning not being able to communicate with each other. He was later called by a member of the EC and advised he should not attend congress. Oliver's friends in the Young Group were shocked to hear this, especially because he attended last year's NJ Congress and he participates in the YG meetings regularly where he reads and participates in workshops throughout the week. He added so much to last year's congress and needs our help to attend this year. Oliver wants to go to Congress and we need to show our support for him. We need your signatures to show our support for Oliver so he will be allowed entry to the congress and ensure our friend will not be denied unjustly from this opportunity of a lifetime.
By signing this petition you support Oliver in his effort to go to congress, would be glad to have him at the congress and vouch for his character.
Please help us bring Oliver to congress, where he belongs.