Cast Pro Wrestler Kevin Nash in the role of "Cable"
Dear Marvel Films/20th Century Fox Entertainment:
As your company readies itself to introduce the seminal Marvel Comics Hero/Anti-Hero, "Cable", to adoring audiences worldwide, there has been an international clamoring and buzz about who should portray this astounding character.
As the character of "Cable" and his origins are enshrouded by mystery, mystic import and strange, otherworldly happenstance, the fans who are both circulating and spreading this petition would like you to consider adding Professional Wrestling Icon Kevin Nash to your "short list" of potential performers in the role.
Mr. Nash is one of the single most instantly recognizable figures in "sports Entertainment", with an international following.
In addition, the similarities and facial resemblance Mr. Nash bears to the character is (if you forgive the obvious play on the title of one of the x-men books) "Uncanny", as he has the gravitas and worldly, wizened foreboding that has marketed the character of Cable's visage, since he's first been introduced.
Also, Mr. Nash is a terribly engaging performer and linguistic intellect, as per his years of performing at the upper echelons of Pro Wrestling and Sports Entertainment, who would be rather adroit at bringing an "insouciant" sensibility, in addition to a powerful presence to accompany his 7"1', muscular build.
As Marvel and Disney have already experienced a great deal of success with cross-pollinating its product with a pro wrestling figure (as per the success of Dave Bautista in the role of Drax the Destroyer in "Guardians of The Galaxy"), using a Professional Wrestler of Nash's intellectual and physical stature would help any endeavor featuring his visage performing as the Character of "Cable" achieve substantial box office "muscle" his very involvement would pique the interest of many die-hard pro wrestling fans, who would flock to see Nash in such a high-profile role---in SPITE of the character not being well known, outside of most comic book fandom circles.
Thank you for your time,
Fans Supporting The Casting Of Nash as Cable