Help us in making our senior year one worth remembering.
Daishia Jackson Georgia 0

Help us in making our senior year one worth remembering.

79 signers. Add your name now!
Daishia Jackson Georgia 0 Comments
79 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Graduation is a very important milestone for a student. This milestone should be shared and celebrated with friends and family. Therefore, students and their loved ones should have the best accommodations for graduation. For years, McNair's graduations were held indoors with enough room for guest and adequate equipment. Recently, the graduations are now being held at Halford stadium where the accommodations for both the students and guest are inferior. Students and guest have to sit under the blazing sun, their guest has to sit on concrete, and the stadium's microphones do not work properly during past encounters. Imagine attending your child's graduation and not being able to hear their speech, the musical selections, or their name being called. For these reasons, McNair's class of 2016 are petitioning for a change of venue that will be indoors and comfortable for all.

In addition to a change of venue, students also want an admirable senior year. From the time a student enters pre-k to the time they enter their senior school year, students have put forth hard work. Students deserve to be given the right to take part in a multitude of senior activities to their liking. In the past, graduates have not been asked what senior activities they want to partake. The Class of 2016 has composed a list of activities they want to partake. These things include a fashion show, a senior dance, a senior field day, a senior picnic at a location voted on by the students, etc. Students are requesting that our voices will be heard in senior activities and senior paraphernalia.

Lastly, McNair High School students are requesting a yearbook. McNair High School has not had a year book in over 4 years. The yearbook is an essential feature to not only the seniors, but every student's school year because yearbooks captures the best moments in high school that turn into great memories. Therefore, students of McNair are requesting a yearbook so that we will be able to look back on these great school memories. Please join us in our fight to make our senior year one worth remembering.

McNair High School Class of 2016

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