Save Leicester Adult Education College!

We, the undersigned oppose the destruction by stealth of Leicester Adult Education College (LAEC) by management. We oppose all moves to privatise adutt education at the college. For some time, management at LAEC have been chipping away at the very heart of this valuable public service. Non-vocational courses have been steadily disappearing; courses have been poorly advertised, as if they\'re being set up to fail; other agencies, not necessarily to do with adult ed, are being moved into Wellington Street; staff are being moved from pillar to post. To date, there has been zero consultation with staff, unions, students/users or the general public. The art department currently being moved from the premises at a moment\'s notice to make way for the Highcross Development Employment Hub is the final straw. Jobs are threatened and adult education is clearly under serious attack as the council privatises services at LAEC. Additionally, courses are being moved with no consideration for staff and users\' health and safety, nor with consideration of any wider impact that moving these courses may have. IWW members and other staff at the college are opposing this and are fighting to save the college. We call on all members of the public, students, staff and unions to support this fight. Join the campaign!