PUT JOHN PRINE ON A USPS STAMP! - the Singing Postman!

America's favorite Singing Postman, John Prine, passed away of COVID-19 in April of 2020. His legion of fans worldwide would love to see his smiling face on a USPS stamp! Not only would it be a fitting tribute to the folk singer who started out as a mailman in Maywood, Illinois, and then served in the US Army, but it would be a great way to help the struggling USPS too!
Please sign this petition to the USPS to consider John for a stamp! While you're at it, vow to buy a roll of 100 "Forever" stamps (or whatever you can afford) from the Post Office to help keep this vital institution alive.
We will submit this petition to the USPS once we reach 25,000 signatures.
NOTE: This is a Secure site - your name and email address will not be used for any purpose other than stated. No donation is required to sign this petition. Any donations you are prompted to make go to iPetitions.com, not to the JohnPrineStamp effort.
This iPetition was created by Paul Metsa, Minnesota musician, and Al Boyce - both rabid John Prine fans.