Impeach President Donald Trump

Impeach President Donald Trump immediately.
July 4th, 2017
When in the course of the life of a Democracy, in the living history of a Nation and with the Management of that Republic, a malignancy develops relating to the proper functioning and sound leadership of the elected Chief-Executive, which thereby poses a threat to the safety and security of the Country, it is the Duty of each Responsible Citizen to raise their voices, make their concerns understood and to take every action permissible under the law to protect themselves, each other and the fate of their system of Government.
President Donald J. Trump is not fit to serve.
- OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE. President Trump has admitted to obstructing justice by firing FBI Director James Comey for the stated purpose of impeding the agencies investigation into the Campaign of Donald J. Trump and his associates of colluding with the Russian Government to execute a cyber attack on the United States of America. Mr. Trump subsequently threatened Director Comey in an effort to intimidate the man and influence his testimony as a witness in the investigation. Mr. Trump consistently attempts to malign and demean any and all investigation, including the Congressional Oversight efforts and the unanimous analysis of the entire intelligence community who insist that America was viciously and deliberately attacked during the 2016 Presidential election.
- DERELICTION OF DUTY. The President's abject refusal to acknowledge the cyber attack by the Russians or to take any actions aimed at thwarting any future attack is a clear Dereliction of Duty the result of which leaves the United States and our system of free and fair elections more vulnerable than when he took office.
- DAMAGING THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. President Donald Trump has verbally and in writing assaulted the free press. His systematic attempt to undermine and delegitimize the function of the media is flatly Unconstitutional.
- INTIMIDATION TACTICS. President Donald Trump's practice of leveling wanton personal attacks against Elected Officials, Members of the Media and Average Citizens has played a leading role in coarsening the national discourse to the point of inciting violence.
- INCOMPETENCE. President Trump's lack of planning and preparation for meetings with world leaders in combination with his ignorant, clumsy and strange behavior during joint appearances with them has completely eroded confidence in the President on the international stage. His patently unprofessional behavior in these settings reveals a lack of competence in the Commander-In-Chief and thereby telegraphs his dangerous ineptitude.
- MENTALLY UNFIT. President Trump is not of sound mind. His erratic use of Twitter to announce ill-advised policy positions and his practice of propagandizing using that social media platform, combined with his brutish and petulant personality has created an instability in the Government and a general situation of chaos.
- PATHOLOGY OF LYING. Donald Trump lies with reckless intent, consistently and demonstrably, in order to confuse the Public and manipulate the Legislature and the Press and to dismantle any attempt to hold him accountable according to provisions of the Constitution.
- DESTRUCTIVE TO INSTITUTIONS. He leads a concerted effort to brazenly delegitimize our Democratic institutions and standards. Under the absurd false accusation of millions of illegal votes in the Presidential Election of 2016, his administration is attempting to gather the personal records of voters, the purpose of which can only be an attempt to monitor and further manipulate our elections in an improper manner.
For these reasons, it is wholly appropriate to demand Donald J. Trump's immediate impeachment and removal from his office of President of the United States.
President Donald J. Trump has broken his oath of office. He has irreparably damaged the public's confidence in him. He continues to injure the reputation and standing of our Nation in the world. President Trump repeatedly, demonstrably and irrefutably disrespects the American People with his lies, obfuscations and his ill mannered behavior. There is no law prohibiting the President from having a bizarre and offensive personality. But, when considering the obvious and dangerous consequences of Donald Trumps actions and temperament, we the Citizenry must demand that he be removed from the sensitive and inordinately powerful position as President.
President Trump is operating outside of the rule of law. This petition asserts that President Donald J. Trump has committed offenses that meet the spirit and purpose of the High Crimes and Misdemeanor standard of Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Therefore, We the Undersigned demand that Congress immediately exercise it's obligation under the Constitution to impeachment President Donald J. Trump and that the Senate remove him from Office without delay.