Jayne DeGroote 0

Keep High Density Housing From Encroaching on the Central Park Neighborhood

129 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jayne DeGroote 0 Comments
129 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition will be sent to the City of Maple Grove prior to the city Planning Commission meeting on March 27th, 2017.

Currently being proposed is a high density 4 story, 100 unit senior Co-op residential building on a plot of land located on Kirkwood and 82nd. (Including roof line will be closer to the equivalent of a 6 story complex). This location is across from Central Park, along the Parkway. Main exits/entrances for this building will be from the Parkway located on Kirkwood. This development will greatly increase traffic around Central Park, causing safety issues for visitors from surrounding neighborhoods, especially those walking with children. The large building so close to Kirkwood would box in Central Park, decreasing the open feeling and beautiful setting that the city is striving for.

Adjacent to this complex are two medium density townhouse neighborhoods. One less then 100 feet away. The height of the building complex will tower over several townhouse buildings, resulting in blockage of natural sunlight and sky views, and potentially shading yards and buildings, depending on how close they are allowed to build next to the lot line. Many townhouse units will only have a view of the building complex, due to their deck layout and privacy walls for connecting units. Several buildings paid a premium for an unobstructed view of Central Park, and are asking for this to be honored.

Prior to homeowners purchasing in The HighGrove townhouse development, the original plan for this land was a lower density, ONE level detached townhouse senior community of approximately 15 units as part of Phase 3 of the SilverCreek Senior Living Community. Phase 1 was completed in 2015. Phase 2 has not been started.

We are asking the City of Maple Grove to work with the surrounding neighborhoods to keep Central Park a desirable place for visitors by voting against this high density development and maintaining what precious green space is left around the Parkway. Some suggestions have been adding it into the Central Park plan, or developing it into a community gardening area for the surrounding apartments and townhouses that do not have yards or space for their own personal gardens.

Please show your support by signing this petition. Please also voice your support by attending the Planning Commission meeting March 27th, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the Maple Grove Government Center. The Planning Commission is scheduled to vote on this proposal that night. You can also write a letter and send copies to the Planning Commission, City Council, Mayor and City Planning Department for review prior to the meeting. Mail letters to 12800 Arbor Lakes Parkway N, Maple Grove MN 55369. Be sure to address it to, and state ATTN to: each department/person you would like to receive it. Letters need to be mailed by March 20th to allow enough time to be delivered to the Planning Commission to review prior to the meeting.

Thank you for your support!

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