Chouteau Avenue Parking District Petition

Hello from Greater Goods! We are a Product Design and Social Enterprise moving into the historic 'Station G' at 4427 Chouteau Avenue. We need your help to create a Chouteau Avenue parking district to help make our neighborhood an easier place for all of us to live & work. We hope you will look over and sign off on our Parking Proposal Petition below.
Feel free to contact me, Patrick Kohm, with questions and/or concerns you may have regarding this plan.
Thanks so much for your help!
Parking on Chouteau between Taylor Ave and Tower Grove Ave has been reported by residence as a problem to the Park Central Development Corp. This problem is being cause by people from outside the neighborhood using our streets as a free public parking lot. This problem is only expected to get worse as Historic Station G is developed causing an increased demand for parking.
The proposed solution is to create two parking districts and expand publicly available parking. This will allow reserved parking for residents, add parking for Station G during daytime hours, and increase generally available parking for the neighborhood.
Is this good for me? Yes! Parking issues are being created by people from outside the neighborhood parking around our homes and businesses. This plan will give the parking back to the neighborhood and alleviate the parking congestion.
Who pays for this? We are (Greater Goods, LLC). We're a social enterprise that is purchasing the Station G property and will pay for this conversion.
Will this cost me anything? No! Parking permits will be free for qualified residents for the next 5 years. Essentially, neighborhood businesses are underwriting the cost for residents.
Why are we doing this? Because the Historic Station G building was land-locked by the previous development plan, the building will remain an undeveloped eyesore until a parking solution is created. We are doing our best to create a parking solution that addresses the needs of the neighborhood by giving residents reserved parking while opening parking for Station G during business hours.
Who is negatively Impacted? People that aren’t living, working, or visiting the park will have to seek alternative parking arrangements.
Why does this work? This works for three reasons:
1. The first is because we are reserving spaces that will no longer allow people from outside the neighborhood to park in the neighborhood.
2. The second is because we are increasing the total number of available spaces by roughly 30 spots. And,
3. Because peak demand for parking is different for neighborhood businesses (daytime during the week) and residences (evening and weekend) allowing us to effectively share the available parking while keep enough spots for resident only use
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this plan, please feel free to contact Patrick Kohm at pkohm@greatergoods.com or call at 314-991-8494 Ext. 39.