Reinvigorating George Harvey Reserve (Girton Cst Park)
Graeme Castle VICTORIA

Reinvigorating George Harvey Reserve (Girton Cst Park)

Graeme Castle VICTORIA
41 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

To the Local member of Kildare-City of Greater Geelong, Mr Peter Murrihy.

Following discussions with yourself and local community members it was agreed to form a petition to support the reinvigoration of the George Harvey Reserve (Girton Cst Park), namely;

1. It is our understanding that the existing Irrigation System has been repaired and is now functional. We request your consideration for an appropriate Water Allocation in order to maintain the whole reserve including trees, gardens and surrounding lawned areas.

2. In the North East corner of the park, one of the four large conifers was replaced with a small tree some years ago. Our request is for this tree to be replaced with a vibrant native tree complimentary to the remaining three conifers.

3. A number of the smaller trees are either unhealthy, toward the end of their lifespan or not prospering in their present positions. We request consideration for the removal of these trees and, where appropriate and after community consultation, the replacement of such trees with suitable natives.

Thank you

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