Europarents north 0

Fee Reduction Petition - Euro school North Campus

440 signers. Add your name now!
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440 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The calendar year 2020 started with news of COVID 19 outbreak in Mainland China. The respiratory illness was quick to spread across Europe, USA and other geographies before hitting India. The Central Government chose to lockdown the country and its economy to prevent the spread of the novel illness.

The lockdown has caused several of the small and medium businesses to shut down as the expenses were not sustainable. Several organizations in order to stay afloat imposed salary cuts to manage the expenses. The economy, though it is reviving after the lockdown has been removed, will need a good year of two before it reaches normalcy. Till such time, the salaried class will have to manage with the reduced income and the business class will have to hope for a revival in the economy.

The State and Central Govts imposed certain rules to be followed, including the functioning of the schools and its operations. Online class were the new norm, which further added cost to the parents for procurement of laptops, mobiles, printers, data pack, increasing electricity bills and not to forget the requirement of parents to get involved in most of the classes as teachers do not bother if the students have understood the topic of discussion. The State Govt of Karnataka, through its circular dated April 2020 instructed all schools to revert to the previous academic year’s fees. In addition, capping the collection of fee to only the first term payment till further notification.

Euro School North Campus has taken exception to the guidelines shared by the State Govt of allowing students to attend class even though there may be fee defaults, allowing multiple installment of fee payments, pressurizing the parents to pay 2nd term fees for that matter. In addition, the school management encourages every opportunity to suppress the voice of the parent, be it in form of having a dummy PTA or rejecting request to meet the Principal to express our concerns. Numerous requests to meet the management of the school have been turned down.

The Euro School North Campus management continues to demand the payment of 2nd term fees even after the State Education Minister having strictly instructed otherwise. Receipt of notice stating fee overdue is a perfect example of the managements disregard to the Govt notifications.

This petition is being filed to unite parents to voice their concerns collectively, including on matters of fees considering that parents continue to be harassed by school for the payment in spite of many resources that have been included in the annual fee remain unutilized. Several request of meeting the school management have fallen on deaf ears, hence the online petition intends to raise a collective voice for all parents for waiver of 2nd term fee in accordance with the State Govt instructions.

Let’s join together and support this meaningful fight.

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