Free Horizon Cross Walks Proposal to Golden

Free Horizon Cross Walks Proposal to Golden

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PROPOSAL to the City of Golden

Free Horizon Montessori School, (FHMS) is located in an industrial park in Golden. As a charter school Free Horizon Montessori School is not yet provided school bus service for its students from Jefferson County Public School District. Because Jefferson County Public School does not provide bus service all the FHMS staff, students and parents must arrive at school during morning rush hour by foot, bike or car. Because of the large amount of vehicles this creates a dangerous environment for the arriving student and parents who needs to cross the road to get to FHMS. The streets surrounding FHMS have been dedicated to the City of Golden.

I am requesting that the City of Golden paint four cross walks to facilitate the safe cross of Corporate Circle and Conference Place by staff, students and parents of FHMS in the morning rush hour. Two cross walks would be painted across Conference Place. One cross walk at the junction of Conference Place and Corporate Circle: The second cross walk across from the FHMS main entrance. The third and fourth cross walks would be painted across Corporate Circle. The first on the South side of the junction of Corporate Circle and Conference Place and on the North side of the junction just past FHMS drive way.

Parents park along Corporate Circle across from FHMS to cross Corporate Circle with their children. To lessen the danger to both parents and students it requested that a new side walk be built to stretching from Commercial Road to Conference Place on West side of Corporate Circle across from the school. The sidewalk will allow the students and parents to walk on the sidewalk to the crosswalk rather than on the road. This is paramount in the winter because of the snow on the grass on the west side Corporate Circle forcing a sea of students, and parents on to Corporate Circle to play dodge ball between students and cars in rush hour traffic as each attempt to negotiate morning rush hour to arrive at their destination.

Finally due to the unique circumstances of the school location in an industrial park and the morning rush hour traffic it is requested the existing school warning zone signs be equipped with flashing lights as already provide to the other Golden Public Schools.

All improvements are necessary and part of the Golden master plan for a safe walkable, sustainable city.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

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