Call for Resignation of YRDSB Trustee Nancy Elgie for Calling a Black Parent "Nigger"

3087 signers. Add your name now!
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Adam B. signed just now

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We demand the resignation of York Region District School Board (YRDSB), town of Georgina trustee: Nancy Elgie.

At a public board meeting on November 22, 2016, Nancy Elgie called a Black parent, Ms. Charline Grant, a "nigger." Members of the public witnessed this event. There was an investigation into the matter and Elgie released a private apology via e-mail to Ms. Grant.

If YRDSB has a zero tolerance policy for discrimination, how then can they allow Ms. Elgie to represent them? Thus, we are calling for the immediate resignation of Ms. Elgie for her violation of York Region Policy and Procedure #240.0, her complete disrespect of a Black parent and our community, and her blatant use of the racist and violent slur "nigger."

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SIGNATURES. Nancy Elgie has stepped down.

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