Arts District for Desert Hot Springs

The creative community in Desert Hot Springs is a rich and vibrant cultural resource that is currently not being nurtured or protected. This resource, if utilized and promoted, can provide a powerful boost to the economy and cultivate a trend of community revitalization.
We originally started this petition to urge the City Council to give us a building to use as an Arts & Cultural Community Center. As a result of pursuing that goal, we have come to understand that art centers need to be part of a larger model that incorporates public/private partnerships and receive financial, organizational and technical support from larger county or state level organizations. These models are often called Art Districts or Cultural Districts and they have become commonplace across the country and around the world. Proven to be invaluable catalysts for economic transformation and particularly powerful in combination with an existing strong tourist trade, these models represent an ideal solution for DHS.
Arts & Cultural Districts must be enabled and empowered by good public policy and a dedicated board comprised of city officials, nonprofit organizations, and stakeholders within the community.
The Art Foundation of Desert Hot Springsis working to establish such a board and guide the evolution of our creative community into a creative economy!
Want to find out other ways to get involved or help out?