Disney Cruise Line's New Carry On Alcohol Policy - Remove the policy or add liquor and grandfather in PIF customers! #DCLprohibitiongate2015

Disney Cruise Line's new Alcohol Policy is messing with your $$ by refusing liquor to be carried on-board and only allowing beer or wine/champagne in small amounts. Ready to pay more for your drinks? CONSIDERABLY MORE? If not, then vote! Share the petition! Use the hashtag #DCLprohibitiongate2015 in your posts on facebook, twitter and in all other social media! Don't be discouraged, this affects many more who don't even realize it yet. SIGN! TRAVEL AGENTS: WAS THE OLD POLICY A MAJOR SELLING POINT FOR YOU? SIGN THE PETITION, COMMENT AND SHARE!
Search the internet for #DCLprohibitiongate2015 to view recent posts.
Email DCL with your complaints: DCL.guest.communications@disneycruise.com
Post your complaints on the Disney Cruise Line Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DisneyCruiseLine?tsid=0.6...
Take it to Twitter and post to Facebook using #DCLprohibitiongate2015 in your post.
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Disney Cruise Line is changing their alcohol policy beginning September 30, 2015. This will affect customers who have already paid off their cruise and are unable to cancel and all customers who have considered this a main perk. The new policy will no longer allow DCL customers to carry on liquor. It will only allow for 2 bottles of wine / champagne OR a 6 pack of beer. Wine and beer aren't for everyone's tastes and some can't drink either for certain medical reasons. We are simply petitioning DCL to also allow for a limited amount of liquor to be added to the list and to hold off implementing this policy until all current PIF (Paid In Full) customers have sailed under the policy that is already currently in place. Although, we would rather this new policy not take place at all. It also has some of us wondering... which main perk will they take next? We also would like a statement from DCL on the true reason behind this change.
Please see DCL's post regarding their new policy:
Each Guest 21 years and older may bring two bottles of unopened wine or champagne (no larger than 750ml) or six beers (no larger than 12oz) onboard in carry-on luggage at the beginning of the voyage and at each port-of-call.
All alcoholic beverages packed in checked luggage will be removed and stored until the completion of the cruise.
Wine or champagne in excess of the two allowable bottles or beer in excess of the six beers will be stored and Guests may retrieve them at the end of the voyage.
All liquors and spirits (including powdered alcohol) are prohibited and will be stored until the completion of the cruise.
Guests must retrieve any stored alcohol at the end of the cruise. Uncollected alcohol will be destroyed and no compensation will be offered.
Alcohol brought on board may not be consumed in any lounge or public area.
Disney Cruise Line Corkage Fee Increase
September 30th will also serve as the date for the new corkage fee charged to Guests who bring their own wine or champagne into one of our restaurants will be $25 per bottle, up from $20.
~ Petition started: August 26, 2015