Robert Butler Arkansas 0

Congressional Race-District One-Arkansas

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Congressional Platform

Robert “Bob” Butler District One, Arkansas

Preface to this platform: Let me be clear that while I understand that many people will see the goals and objectives of this platform as “idealistic,” that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be seeking an ideal world. We must strive for the best in ourselves and our government. A baseball pitcher goes to the mound every day planning to do his best and to throw a perfect game. Why else would he even be a baseball player? A batter plans to get a hit every at bat; he doesn't plan to strike out. We, as a nation, must seek the ideal. If we're just looking to survive, we won't!

I believe that we must approach our budget system with a new philosophy. Our budgets have, for years, been created backward. First, our leaders have created a “spending” list; then, they try to figure out how to pay for it. Spending without a predetermined way to pay for it is irresponsible and “malfeasance in office,” in my opinion. What we should be doing is determining how much is reasonable to expect taxpayer's to spend on government. Then, we should add certain tariffs on imported products to do two things: protect American jobs and protect the environment. We then take this anticipated “income” and decide how to spend it. This is what Congress should be debating: where to spend our budget.

My Campaign platform:

1. Balanced Budget Amendment 2. Capitalize the National Debt

3. Term Limits for ALL elected or appointed public officials

4. Abolish “Electoral College” 5. A NEW Individual Tax Return/System

6. Congressional members, their staffs/expenses belong in “State Budgets!”

7. Immigration Reform 8. Healthcare Reform

9. Social Security System Changes 10. Failed War on Drugs

11. Citizens United-Money in Politics/ Campaign Finance Reform

12. Reorganizing the Executive Branch 13. Minimum Wage Reform

1. Balanced Budget Amendment—For too long, members of Congress from both Democratic and Republican parties have bounced this idea around, but neither of them is willing to act on the idea when their party is in the White House. It's always a great idea when someone else is “controlling” spending. It's time for the American people to insist that our government live within a budget, regardless of which party is in the majority or sitting in the White House. Of course, there will be times when we'll have to ignore the budget due to a national crisis. One of the ways to plan for these events is to include a “crisis” fund within the federal budget that could grow over the years when no crisis hits. If there's not enough in this fund, then Congress will have to “bite the bullet” and pass a new, temporary tax, tariff, or other fee to pay back the money borrowed to meet the crisis. Of course, states and individuals should be doing the same, using insurance and savings as best they can to be ready for whatever crisis hits their area. A balanced budget amendment is the only way to force Congress to live within its means, just like you and I must do.

2. Capitalize the National Debt—One of the most serious issues facing the United States and our economic future is the “albatross” which was primarily created in the years after the attack on 9/11. Our subsequent “wars” and wasteful spending have dug us quite a deep hole, nearly $20 Trillion. Arguing over who is at fault is pointless, serves no purpose at this moment in history. We can gripe or fix it. It continues to grow for many reasons. If we demand that Congress have a balanced budget, then the next step is to “capitalize” our national debt, just as any business does when it needs funds to expand or find new capital. We should issue “tax exempt 4% National Debt Retirement Bonds” to replace the trillions of Treasury Bills, notes, bonds, etc. which are our debt now. The American public and American companies would jump at the chance to help the U.S. eliminate the problem of this growing debt. There are several benefits to doing this. First, it would put an end date to our “National Disgrace,” the debt. Whether they are 30 or 40 or 50 year bonds, every year the interest would be paid and one year of the bonds would be retired. That would be a requirement of a balanced budget amendment. Second, it would prevent foreign countries from holding debt over our heads during diplomatic negotiations. Third, we are the richest country in the world; we should not be a debtor nation. Finally, it would ease the economic burden that all that annual interest creates. Imagine how much we could do with those interest payments here at home!

3. Term Limits for ALL elected or appointed public officials—One of the problems which we have always faced is having people sit in jobs for 30 or 40 years in Congress and other government jobs. The lifeblood of our country is youth! We need an amendment to do just that. My own thoughts are as follows: President (and Vice-President), one six-year term; members of the Senate, two six-year terms; House of Representatives, three three-year terms (1/3 elected each year); Supreme Court members, one ten-year term (one being appointed each year by the President with the consent of the Senate); all other federal judges, one ten-year term; and all appointed federal employees are limited to ten years (total service) in various positions. These limits would not prevent a person from being a member of the House, then the Senate, and then as President. I'm flexible with these limits, but I believe that there is much talent going unused in our young people. Someone with great gifts or special skills could still be utilized in government service by other means, such as actual “employee” positions. If “the future belongs to the young,” then we must put more of our future in the hands of the “young!”

4. Abolish the Electoral College System: I propose the following Amendment:

Electoral College Voided

Section 1. Beginning with the first Presidential election held following the adoption of this amendment, the offices of President and Vice-President will be elected by popular vote. The electoral college system is abolished. Whichever Presidential candidate receives the most popular votes is deemed the winner, as is his/her Vice-Presidential running mate.

****Commentary: The electoral college was a useful tool during our early history, a period when there was little formal education and even less media coverage of issues and news. That is no longer the case. People no longer need to choose someone to vote in their place. The electoral college is an obsolete method of selecting our President. It's time has long since passed!****

5. A Simplified Individual Tax Return—Below is a copy of the new form which I am proposing for adoption. The basis for this return is that there will be no more deductions for anything! This system takes the position that all people should pay taxes using the same rate table, regardless of family size, income sources, or personal expenses. In addition, taxes are filed as individuals, not according to marital status. For example, in a marriage each person would file a return as an individual. If two people have one income, then only return is filed. If both have incomes, each files a separate return. Deductions for children or mortgage interest or casualty losses or other taxes paid no longer apply. What people choose to do with their after-tax income is their business, not governments. I suggest that each person use this system and see how much difference there is in their taxes compared to the previous system. It is simpler, fairer, and does not place an undue burden on anyone.

Sample Proposed Tax Return—Each individual will file this!

Name______________ Address_________________________

SSI Number _____________Birth date ___________ Age ___


1. Interest and Dividends ____________

2. Rents and Royalties ____________

3. Capital Gains on stocks/assets ____________

4. Gambling Winnings (net of losses) _____________

5. Prizes ______________

6. Miscellaneous****** ______________

7. Sub-total ____________

8.Social Security on non-W-2 income

(line 7 times .05) _(_________)_

9. Others earnings after Social Security (line 7-line 8) ____________

10. W-2 earnings _____________

TOTAL TAXABLE INCOME (line 9+line10) ______________


11. $0 to $40,000 TAX EXEMPT _$ 0.00_

12. Over $40,000 X .25 _$_________.__

19. Social Security from line 8 above _$_________.__

20. TOTAL TAXES (add lines 11 thru 19) _______________

21. Less: Taxes withheld(W-2’s, 1099’s, etc.) _(_____________)_

22. TAXES DUE--******* _______________

Signature______________________ Date ________

*****The tax rates in this chart are adjustable and will be determined when I have access to tax records from the I.R.S. The dollar levels can be adjusted according to the level of inflation each year as necessary.*****

In addition to the new tax return, I am also proposing several other changes to the tax system at this point:

A. Sales taxes must be imposed on all “internet” sales. State and local sales tax collections are being hurt by these tax-free sales.

B. Abolishment of the “gift tax.” Gift taxes only hinder people from sharing their good fortune with others. With the elimination of donations as a tax deduction, it only makes sense to do away with taxes on gifts.

C. Abolishment of the federal “gasoline tax.” A gallon of gasoline has about 19 cents of federal excise tax. Diesel has about 25 cents per gallon. At the same time that I propose dropping this tax, I also propose that all highways be the responsibility of each state, whether interstate or not. States are better equipped to maintain their roads and should be the ones using fuel taxes to pay for those improvements. Should there be a need for new interstate highways, the concerned states would need to negotiate help from Congress to build them. Most states don't need new interstate highways; they need more improvements on their own roads.

6. Congressional members, their staffs, and other expenses—Rather than

having members of Congress paid out of the Treasury, I propose that each state set salaries, staff sizes and salaries, and expenses for each member. They are, after all, state employees. They should be treated as such, participating in state retirement and medical insurance systems. It would also alleviate some of the expenses in the National budget.

7. Immigration Reform—The current controversy over illegal immigrants can be dealt with in a more humane, beneficial manner if we use a smarter approach. Sending millions of people out of the country would create a “worker/business/job” gap that would be irresponsible. There is a better way!

A. All convicted felons and “gang affiliated” non-citizens must be deported immediately.

B. All other “undocumented” non-citizens should be given six months (or a reasonable period) to come

forward to register for a “temporary residency permit.” At that time they will be fingerprinted, photographed, had their DNA taken, and issued an “Photo ID-orange social security card” and be allowed to openly work legally, following all standard laws and regulations that would be expected of

any “citizen.” They could be either employees or self-employed and would file tax returns like

everyone else. One difference is that holders of the “orange” cards would NOT benefit from their

social security/Medicare contributions. Until they become American citizens, they will accrue no social

security or Medicare benefits. Their contributions would, in effect, be part of the added cost for living

and working in the United States and taking a job which would otherwise be filled by an American

citizen. Once they are citizens, they would begin the process of building their own social security

account for future retirement. Their “past” salaries/wages would have no effect on their future retirement benefits.

C. To become a citizen in the future, each of these “orange card” holders would be required to fulfill

the same requirements as any other applicant, except there would also be a fine (amount to be determined by Congress) that would have to be paid before citizenship would be finalized. In addition, all criminal fines, penalties, or probations must be fulfilled before citizenship would be finalized.

D. These “orange card” holders would move to the “back of the line (list)” in terms of applying for

citizenship. They just wouldn't have to physically leave the country first.

E. Any felony conviction before becoming a citizen would mean immediate deportation to the country of origin.

8. Healthcare Reform: All American Citizens' PRIVATE Health Insurance System

Health Insurance costs in 2015 were $3.3 Trillion! That included all costs, from drugs to hospital stays to dental to vision to nursing care, etc. Right now, much of this is NOT covered by your health insurance. Vision and dental insurance, if you even have this coverage, doesn't cover much. Medicare is the worst. Who needs dental and vision MORE than older folks?

The question is, how do we do that? No one wants a “Government Run National Health Program,” not even me. What I'm proposing is a private insurance “clearinghouse” program that covers every single American citizen for whatever treatments are needed. Let's be frank; in the beginning, it will be more expensive than we want because many people will be able to use services that they have wanted and needed but were unable to afford. It will spike and then level out, leaving us with an expensive program but one which we can manage. It will require cooperation between doctors and insurance companies and patients. The “National Health Insurance Trust Fund Clearinghouse,” (NHITFC) which I propose would be established along the lines of social security. It WILL NOT be run by the U.S. government. It will be an independent, non-profit entity which does one thing: provide a method to collect funding from various sources, spread the funds among the insurance companies using a pre-determined formula, and a monitoring system of doctors, insurance companies, and patients to prevent fraud.

Here's how it would work. First, Medicare and Medicaid are eliminated. Americans will no longer pay premiums to insurance companies, nor will employers be required to “contribute” for employees. Americans will sign up with whichever insurance company that they choose. ALL insurance companies will offer the same coverage: COMPLETE, 100%, NO co-pays, no excuses because if your doctor orders it, it's covered. (The exceptions are cosmetic treatments that are strictly for vanity such as face-lifts, tummy-tucks, breast augmentation (except after mastectomies due to illness or accident) or breast reduction (due to physical injury or back problems), and other treatments to be decided by a committee of doctors, insurance representatives, and American citizens selected regionally. Keep in mind that right now, depending on your insurance policy, most people have co-pays, deductibles, and other “out-of-pocket” expenses that insurance companies don't cover, which is how they keep their profits high. My proposal eliminates those things. ALL that a citizen would pay for would be voluntary items such as vitamins, aspirin, etc. All prescribed medicines would be paid by the insurance company. How much simpler that will be. Remember, if you have children, they will be covered without extra expense such as a family policy would require.

Insurance companies will not be allowed to turn down applicants. Americans will be able to change companies once a year. The NHITFC will negotiate not only drug prices on a national basis but also costs for all other extra services such as surgery or hospital stays! When the United States as a whole is the buyer, we will bring down prices! Prices for all services will be set by a separate committee of doctors, insurance company representatives, and citizens. There will be differences based on regional cost factors, which will also be used to determine the premiums which insurance companies will be paid (by the NHITFC) on a monthly basis for each registered client. High cost treatments such as surgeries, cancer treatments, etc. will be reimbursed according to a fixed cost schedule. With a “national risk pool,” the risk will be spread across the entire population. “Risk” has always been the hardest “nut” to crack when developing a fair program. If the nation spreads the risk across the country, it becomes less of a problem.

Insurance companies will be limited to a 10% profit (negotiable) on an annual basis. If they exceed this profit margin, the difference must be returned to the NHITFC. The NHITFC will audit each insurance company's books to make certain that wages and bonuses are within reasonable guidelines, as will executive salaries. The incentive for more dollar profits (more clients means more premiums) is to be a company with exceptional service so that Americans don't leave for another company. In addition, the NHITFC can, in the future, after the system has been tweaked so that it is efficient and cost-effective, add bonus programs for insurance companies which are found to be exceptional by its clients and doctors.

Doctors will be encouraged to use cost-saving systems, such as more Physician's Assistants and Nurse Practitioners with doctor supervision. Keeping people healthy will be an equal focus, with treatment, of a doctor's practice, not just treating patients after they are sick. Health club programs and nutrition education should be part of a doctor's practice. Hospitals will be encouraged to reduce costs, which should be easier since nearly all of their patients will now have insurance that covers everything. Hospitals will also be limited in their profits by the system. It has to be that way. Not every hospital will be a “level 3 trauma” unit, but not every hospital needs or should be.

Oversight will be conducted by regular audits of doctors and insurance company records. Patients will be required to sign off on all visits and treatments, including verifying medications, shots received, etc. Any discrepancies will be checked thoroughly. Theft by fraud or misappropriation will be harshly punished. Doctors can have their licenses suspended or revoked, fines levied, and prison time given. Insurance companies who are found to be defrauding the system will not only be fined, but they can have their profit % dropped or removal from the system altogether. Officers will be held liable for fraud and can also be fined and/or given prison time. Because the system will be nationwide, there will be close monitoring for fraud. Patients who attempt to defraud the system can lose their coverage, be fined, or spend time in prison as well. This program is expensive; it must be managed efficiently and protected from fraud!

What is the benefit to businesses? Employers will no longer have to provide health insurance to their employees. Workman's compensation coverage will be reduced somewhat since medical treatments will no longer be needed for American workers; disability payments will continue for those injured at work and who miss time at work. Non-taxable benefits that exist now will probably continue to be such.

Okay, what about “non-American citizens,” visitors, temporary workers, students, etc. who are here but not American citizens? ALL of those people will be required to purchase “temporary” visitors insurance (employers will not differentiate between citizens/non-citizens when paying wages, insurance/social security contributions, or other benefits) (non-citizen employees will have the employer portion of insurance used to reduce their policy premiums, but the social security portion does not accrue to them unless they are citizens), a category that will certainly grow from this system through independent insurance companies who see an opportunity. The cost and coverage and collection of these insurance premiums will be up to the insurance companies. Naturally, should someone appear at an emergency room with a life-threatening injury or illness, they will be treated. They will also be required to provide insurance or pay for the services, or, at the discretion of the hospital, be forgiven as some hospitals do now.

How to pay for this plan!

First, there will be a new National Health Insurance Tax which will be collected on everything except prescriptions, hospital bills, medical equipment/supplies, medical drugs, and non-prepared foods. I estimate that the rate will be 10%, but it could be higher or lower. If someone rents a hotel room for $100, the tax will add $10 to the rate. If the room is $1,000, then it adds $100 to the rate. The same is for airplane seats or taxicab rides or the purchase of a new or used car. Game tickets, video rentals or sales, food at a restaurant, etc. It is a “sales/use” tax in effect. The more money a person spends, the more “health tax” is paid. Those who have millions of dollars will pay most of the tax. Those who are not so wealthy will pay what they can by what they spend their money to get.

In addition, I propose a new 3% tax on ALL financial instrument transactions, transfers, etc. Stock sales, commodity sales, bond trading, mortgage instruments, etc. This, according to my “rough” estimates, would provide more than enough added funding to create a system whereby ALL Americans would be covered. However, I also propose the following be adopted to help reduce the cost of this system to citizens. These are targeted (others might be suggested as well) because their consumption has a direct effect on health, thus medical costs. (These taxes would be on the “producer” level, not the consumer level.) These taxes would go through local systems and funneled into the NHITFC. I'm sure that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) could provide excellent rates and dollars raised, something which I can't do with only access to the internet information that is available.

Sales Taxes targeted for Health Insurance support:

Tobacco (Cost to health industry by tobacco products=$170 billion a year)All soft drink beverages, with or without sugar (Stevia is the exception)

All candies, confections, desserts, candy bars, cakes, cookies, etc., and frozen dessert items (ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc.)

All crackers, chips, and other packaged snacks

Alcohol products

While this proposed system is not perfect and will need considerable work by doctors, insurance companies, Congress, and the public to be implemented and monitored so that it becomes a cost-effective system, it does combine two ideas: comprehensive insurance for everyone and as little government involvement as possible. I don't believe that it's possible to have one without the other. This is NOT a government-run program. It will be managed by doctors, insurance companies, and citizens ONLY, with the legislative and legal assistance of Congress. Will there be issues and problems to be resolved? Of course, but that's the case now with the confusing conglomeration of companies and policies and coverages that we have now! The differences are two. This program will provide health coverage for EVERYONE, not just those who can afford whatever they need, AND is will provide transparency as to costs and profits of the providers. American citizens will be covered from birth to death with this program. If we don't like something, we can negotiate a fix. Can you do that now with your insurance company?

Again, all drugs and medical equipment prices will be determined through a national negotiation process. Any company that wishes to sell to the American market will have to negotiate a national or regional price. We WILL get the best cost savings this way. This is the only way to keep costs down and provide all American Citizens with the best medical care at the best price in the world. We have paid too much for too long. With this program, we will lead the world, not pay the highest prices!

9. Social Security System Changes: As we are often told that Social Security and Medicare are “bankrupting” the country, I propose several things which will not only prevent that and stabilize these systems but make it possible for our seniors to receive larger payments. It won't cost the taxpayers a dime because the system is not funded by tax dollars; it is funded like any retirement system by contributions from workers. Those who don't work and pay into the system should not benefit from it!

A. First, I propose that we lift the cap on contributions by workers. At present, social security/Medicare deductions stop at $127,200 in 2017. What that means is that CEO's and others making millions of dollars a year will contribute much more to Social Security and Medicare trust funds. They are still free to contribute to private retirement systems, though there will no longer be a deduction against their taxable income.

B. I propose increasing payments to recipients. The payments have always been limited by other income so that the “wealthy” don't draw from a system which was intended to support those in need during their elder years. I propose that payments start at age 60 and are not reduced by other income until the combined total of social security and other income (regardless of its source) reaches $30,000, my base, non-taxable income level. In addition, the QMB income ceiling should be whatever the maximum social security check amount is. We have a moral responsibility to better care for seniors than we do at present.

10. Failed War on Drugs—I believe that, like alcohol, we have been fighting the wrong battle when it comes to drugs. Marijuana should be treated the same as alcohol, with the same penalties and restrictions. While it can have long-term negative health effects, so does alcohol. How many are being kept in prison for “pot” convictions? The real danger is from “hard drugs” which are imported, such as cocaine and heroin. Years ago I endorsed the use of American military power to destroy the source of these drugs and the elimination of the people who run the trade. I still endorse that policy. I believe that, with or without the help of a foreign country (hopefully their help), we have the right to do whatever it takes to stop this trade. We need a two-fold attack. 1. A real military campaign needs to be mounted to prevent the supply. 2. Demand must be reduced. That will be expensive but necessary. All persons who need help would simply come forward and get help, no questions asked. Certainly there are problems with prescription drug abuse and “homemade drugs,” but that fight will have to be continued, probably forever. Just as civilization will never end prostitution or criminal activity, those who choose to use mind-altering chemicals will find a way. The harshest penalties must be for the “producers” and “sellers.” The “users” are the weak victims and should be helped if at all possible. Disease is disease.

More drugs come through the current border entry ports than any other way. The only real way to stop that practice is to stop all personal vehicles from crossing the border, period. Change our “tourist and temporary worker movement” from private cars to a bus system/rental car system. People would have to be searched one at a time at the border. It would slow down if not 99% stop the flow of drugs from the south. The freight system which comes across would also have to change. All shipments would have to be transferred from one trailer to another, with each pallet being checked. If we are truly interested in stopping the flow, this is the only way.

Still, going after the suppliers at the production point, destroying factories, farms, etc., along with arresting anyone involved or killing them if they resist would be the most effective tool against the drug smugglers. The production and distribution of drugs manufactured inside the U.S. borders would then become the next focus. Regardless, if Americans truly want to end the scourge of drugs, it will be expensive and a never-ending war!

11. Campaign Finance Reform (Citizen's United):

Since I'm not a lawyer and have no business arguing the point of the corruption of many in our political process, I must rely on common sense. While I have read and generally understand the Supreme Court's reasoning and decision in the “Citizen's United” case, it is apparent to me that the law, possibly even the U.S. Constitution needs to be amended, must make it clear that only people are protected by the Bill of Rights. Regardless on which side of this particular case you stand, it should concern you that any non-human entity (corporation, partnership, etc.), through the power of its resources (cash, influence, etc.), could change the outcome of any election at any level of government. If you are on the losing side of an important issue simply because a small group (small being a relative term) has immense wealth, power, or influence which cannot be matched, you'll learn the hard lesson that our system of government, which is supposed to be “fair and unbiased,” can soon be “unfair and one-sided” in its decisions. Right now, money means power through its ability to hire lawyers, buy media coverage, and intimidate people.

Common sense should tell us that, since only people vote, only people should be allowed the freedom of speech and the other protections of the Bill of Rights. We already have organizations which people can join or organize to support candidates for office. They are “political parties,” fair and efficient or not. PAC's (political action committees) are not political parties; they are “political lobbies” which, in many cases, only seek to serve the wealthy who wish to pursue policies which make them wealthier! Yes, anyone can set up a PAC, but it's the power of the money which a PAC can raise and wield that has the potential to change the outcome of an election. In my opinion, corporations do not and should not be treated as people.

Regardless, every American should be concerned about the power of financial influence in our government and society. There is a way to, if not prevent this abuse, at least mitigate the influence which money can have on our election process: make it transparent! For this reason, I propose that the following be adopted, either as a Constitutional amendment or simply federal law. Below it is in the form of an amendment.

Amendment #?: Campaign Finance

Section 1: There are no restrictions on what an individual, using personal funds, may spend on his/her campaign for Federal, elected office (President, Vice-President, Senator, or member of the House of Representatives).

Section 2: Funds raised, donated, or otherwise contributed by others directly to a candidate's campaign are restricted. The limit on these non-personal funds is determined by the number of registered voters in a particular election, i.e. number of registered voters (regardless of party affiliation) in a House of Representative District or total registered voters nationally in a Presidential election. Those totals will be determined by each state's office which is responsible for such data. The limit is $1 for each registered voter.

Section 3: Donations, which are restricted to individuals (business entities may not contribute to political candidates), made directly to a candidate are limited to $100 per election (a primary is considered a separate election). Records of donations (name, address, phone number, and amount of donation) must be kept by each campaign and be available to the public or media, at any time, upon request (if printed, a reasonable charge is permissible).

Section 4: Political Action Committees (PAC) (business entities may not contribute to candidates or coordinate their activities with candidates) may be formed by individuals who wish to independently support candidates. There are no restrictions on the amount of funds which a PAC may collect in support of a particular candidate. However, PAC spending for a particular candidate is limited in the same way and to the same dollar amount as a candidate, $1 per registered voter. In addition, each PAC must disclose (weekly) publicly the names of its members and how much each member contributed to each candidate. PAC's may not collect funds within 14 days of the election date (or the start of early voting where that applies) and must issue a final disclosure of its membership and individual contribution totals made in support of each candidate no later than 10 days before voting begins. Disclosure must be widely available through the media and the PAC's website.


While there will continue to be an out-of-proportion influence by small groups or those of wealth, at least we will know who is supporting who or what and for what reasons. Only then can we, as American voters, decide who or what we choose to support. Our decisions must not be clouded by the influence of dollar signs. Citizen's United cannot stand. Corporations are run by humans; those humans have the right to use their money any way that they see fit, within legal limits, but the immense power and resources of corporations must be limited to producing products and services only! They only exist to create jobs for people and serve the needs of the public!

12. Reorganizing the Executive Branch

Departments come and departments go as needs change, and so should it be so. I believe that the time has come for this process to begin again. It is a way to reduce “overhead” since some departments seem to overlap and focus on similar areas of responsibility. For this reason, I propose that we combine the current twenty such agencies and departments into just nine, listed below in no particular order with, in a couple of cases a new department name, the other departments or agencies which have been combined. There are another hundred or so “agencies” attached to the federal budget. These need to be either eliminated, combined in a department, or separated as “non-profits” to operate outside the budget of the United States. I am examining the budget to determine which should go where and how much can be safely cut from our budget. One of the first items that I saw was the expense budget for the Vice-President as head of the Senate. The budget amount for that is $18,760. What? Why? His salary/expense budget as VP is $2.4 MILLION. What? Why?

1. Defense (along with Veteran's Affairs)

2. Justice

3. State

4. Treasury (along with OMB-Office of Management and Budget)

5. Interior (along with Agriculture, Transportation, Energy, and EPA-Environmental Protection


6. Commerce (along with Labor, SBA-Small Business Administration, and the U.S. Trade


7. Human Services (combining HUD-Housing and Urban Development, Education, and


8. Homeland Security

9. C.I.A.-Central Intelligence Agency

For efficiency, the F.B.I. (Justice Dept.), C.I.A., and the Office of Military Intelligence (Defense Dept.) will maintain highly functioning liaison offices within the Department of Homeland Security in order that close cooperation may be the hallmark of our national security system. The disjointed intelligence mistakes of the past, mainly the attack of September 11th, must never be allowed to happen again. Credit and responsibility is a double-edged sword. The goal must be safety and peace of mind for all Americans!

13. Minimum Wage Reform: Does anyone really understand how poor the current minimum wage is for those earning at that rate? 40 hours X $7.25 = $290.00 or $290.00 X 52 weeks = $15,080.00 Well, if this is a single person, that means $290.00 less $27.90 (income tax) less $17.98 (social security) OR $260.32 per week take-home before any other deductions such as insurance. $260.32 X 52 weeks = $13,536.64 per year.

Now, if we go immediately to $12 per hour, this person would earn $480 per week minus $56.40 (income tax) less $29.76 (social security) = $423.84 X 52 weeks = $22,039.68 take-home and would be able to pay all the bills PLUS save $19.68. When we get to $15 per hour, this person would now earn $600.00 per week minus $74.40 (income tax) minus $37.20 = $488.40 X 52 weeks = $25,396.80 and not only pay bills but have $3,376.80 to save, invest, maybe take a vacation which couldn't be afforded before now. Isn't this would people work to do, have a chance to improve their economic condition, improve living standards, and see a future?

Corporations should be looking to increase wages for their workers because it is a cycle which will only improve their sales! It is very short-sighted to look at the current bottom line, UNLESS a CEO is only interested in HIS/HER salary and bonus. The health of any business is continued sales and production. The best way to do that is PAY WORKERS WAGES THAT MAKE LIFE BETTER!

While I would like for wages to rise immediately to at least $15/hour, I would be willing to start at $12 and go up $1/hour each year until reaching $15. Thereafter, the minimum wage should be tied to the inflation/deflation rate as established by Congress and used for social security increases. Will prices rise? Yes, but not at the rates that are claimed, at least not so long as prices only increase to cover payroll increases. It's companies who try to also increase profit percentages that are the problem. CEO's and executive salaries do not need to increase; they already have their piece of the pie. It's time to cut bigger slices for those who do the actual work of producing and servicing!

I cannot afford the $10,000 filing fee required by the Arkansas Democratic Party AND the alternative is to gather 4513 signatures of registered Democrats from the 18,000+ registered Democrats in District One. I find it offensive that my party charges candidates for its endorsement to be placed on the ballot (or must have 25% of registered voters sign a petition for me). Shouldn't anyone who has the same goals and is a supporter be able to have his/her name on the ballot for free?

Please sign my petition. An alternative would be to send me a sheet of paper with the following information on it (mail to the address below on my campaign card:



Date of Birth:

Residence address:

City or Town:



Date signed: (must be mailed before Jan 10th)

Email address:

Phone number:

None of this information will be given to anyone except the Arkansas Democratic Party for its records.

Thank you for you assistance.

Robert “Bob” Butler

Candidate-Congress-District One-Arkansas

P.O. Box 193

Marmaduke, AR 72443

Donations to my campaign will also be accepted up to $100 per individual per calendar year. Please include your name, address, phone number, and email address for my campaign records required by the F.E.C. Thank you for your support and assistance!

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