Summer Camp for CPCS

To Whom It May Concern,
It is with deep regret that we inform you the Department of
Youth and Community Development has taken back their offer to fund a 4-Week summer camp program for our middle school youth. All in transparency, this is the email that
we received:
Dear SONYC Providers,
The Executive Budget
for FY16 has been released, and we are pleased to report an increase in funding for SONYC middle school after school services. However, some of the City's planned summer funding will be re-directed to schools with the greatest challenges. This means that DYCD will fund fewer summer enrichment programs in Summer 2015
than was planned in the Preliminary Budget. This winter your agency submitted an expression of interest via survey to provide middle school summer programming. On March 25th, we indicated that your SONYC program(s) (those whose contract started in 2014) would be funded for middle school summer slots to begin July 2015. At this time, DYCD will not be able to fund these middle school summer services in FY16. We are unable to expand summer services as previously proposed.
The City continues to support summer services by funding over 22,000 summer seats for elementary programs added in the preliminary budget, and with the continuation of evening hours at community centers in public housing through our Cornerstone programs.
We look forward to continuing our partnership providing much needed services throughout New York City.
With kind regards,
Mike Dogan | Assistant Commissioner
We would like to be proactive and appeal this decision, but will need support from the community. At this time, they feel the program is not needed because our children are not attending on a consistent basis. In order for us to build a strong case, our attendance has to be in good standing. Furthermore, we need your help advocating. They need to hear your voice. We ask that you sign this petition or submit a letter to our main office explaining the need for summer camp at CPCS by Friday, May 15th, 2015.
"Individually we are one drop; TOGETHER we are an ocean"
(Unknown). We are looking forward to changing this decision and being able to provide services this summer. If you have any questions, comments or
concerns, please do not hesitate to leave them in the comment section below.