Allow ALL Coburg Families to attend Coburg Community Charter School
Coburg Charter School 0

Allow ALL Coburg Families to attend Coburg Community Charter School

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We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the 4J School Board adopt a resolution that allows Coburg Community Charter School (CCCS) to provide preference to Coburg residents in its annual enrollment lottery WITHOUT ANY LIMITATION so ALL residents of Coburg who so choose may avail themselves of their community’s school.

Coburg Community Charter School (CCCS) was founded in 2011 through a collaborative effort of the residents of Coburg and the Eugene School District 4J as a means to preserve the 150 year tradition of Coburg residents educating their children in the City of Coburg. As articulated in the school’s founding Charter, CCCS is a “Community Immersion Program” with a mission “to create a partnership between parents, teachers, and our community members…” The School’s Charter proposal, which was approved by the 4J Board and renewed in 2014 and again in 2017, goes on to state, “The community of Coburg has long been a part of the school and the school a major hub of the city.”

Recognizing the tremendous value of local, community-focused schools like CCCS, the Oregon legislature unanimously passed--and Governor Kate Brown signed--a law in 2017 permitting charter schools like CCCS to provide a “preference” in their admission lottery for local residents. This law was co-sponsored by State Senator Lee Beyer and former State Representative Phil Barnhart and was supported by the Oregon School Board Association.

This month, the 4J School Board will consider a resolution to activate this new law for Coburg Community Charter School. Unfortunately, the resolution before the board effectively would restrict the total number of Coburg residents who can attend the school to 50% of total enrollment.

The proposed cap is contrary to the spirit of the law and cuts against the very mission of the school. Practically, it means that CCCS likely will be unable to meet the needs of all Coburg families wishing to enroll their Kindergarten children at the school in 2-3 years time due to the growth in the overall Coburg population resulting from significant new housing starts in the community.

We appreciate the 4J Board’s long-standing support for our community’s school and are proud that we are preparing students for success in 4J high schools, college, and beyond. We respectfully ask that the 4J Board remove the unnecessary cap from this resolution so all residents of Coburg who so choose may avail themselves of their community’s school.

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