Muslims have to be included in Indian Citizenship Amendment Bill

In India, Muslims comprise 17% of the total population which is around 230 Million that is the total population of Brazil and Half the population of the European Union. Muslims have been a part of the ongoing India Pakistan partition of 1947 and are subjected to various kinds of harassment due to their economic condition, illiteracy and lack of leadership or support from authorities , because muslims like in other parts of the world have always been victims in the hands of vested interests.
In India, Last week Citizenship (Amendment) Bill was passed creating huge panic for the muslim community. This Bill seeks to amend the definiation of illegal immigrant for Hindu, Sikh, Parsi, Buddhist and Christian immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh who have lived in India without documentation. But it excludes muslim community which comprises a major part of the country's population thereby creating a level of racial discrimination and segregation of communities. This Bill clearly discriminates against Muslims and violates the right to equality enshrined in the Constitution.
The CAB ring fences Muslim identity by declaring India a welcome refuge to all other religious communities. It seeks to legally establish Muslims as second-class citizens of India by providing preferential treatment to other groups. This violates the Constitution’s Article 14, the fundamental right to equality to all persons. This basic structure of the Constitution cannot be reshaped by any Parliament. And yet, the government maintains that it does not discriminate or violate the right to equality.
Therefore as Association of Muslim Professionals(AMP) for human rights protection, we are honoured to send the cry of the Indian muslim people to the world for their help by demanding a lawsuit to the International Criminal Court in The Hague,to hold day to day human crimes that have been and continue to be practiced against the Indian Muslim people.
We, the Indian Muslim people, the Petition undersigned, demand a lawsuit from the International Court in the Hague, against who stands behind the theft of public rights from the Indian muslims , weather Government or the Parliament, which is causing the collapse of the integrity and harmony leading to physical harassment of the muslim students and muslim people of India.