Bring more Green Spaces to our school and community :))

What is our Petition about?
We want more trees
in our local area. Our natural grass and plants are being dug out and covered
in concrete and bricks, trying to 'make our school look more appealing'. But it
doesn't. It ruins the landscape. Let's petition to get these changes removed,
and bring more green back to our land.
Why should we have
Nature spaces benefit us in many ways. Uplifting our mental wellbeing, giving
us space from the loud society, as well as helping with global warming and
climate change.
This change is already happening. People are planting trees. But there are just as many people cutting down trees and destroying our hard work. We take one step forward, but everyone else pulls us back two steps.
Sign our petition to get our school to recognise and understand our distaste for their decisions of removing the green, and get them to revoke such changes.