Benny - Friendliest Family Dog

Benny has been a family dog since early 2012. Since then he has become a beloved member of the Vickers family. He loves playing fetch, running around, and cuddling. We, as a family, have always made sure Benny has everything he needs: food, water, grooming, love, etc. A year after we got him, an invisible fence was installed on the property so that Ben could have more room to roam. However, he is confined ONLY to our yard and CAN NOT reach the sidewalk.
It the past few days it has come to our attention that a couple finds Ben's presence startling to the community and said they will be pressing charges stating as such. This petition serves to disprove that. If you agree that Ben is NOT harmful, and is in fact a friendly, lovable dog please leave your name and relationship to the family below. Also, if you would like to share any positive comments to help our case, please do so below.