Rita Alsabagh 0

Rita Alsabagh for 2L Vice President

31 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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31 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Hello everyone!! If you don't know me, my name is Rita Alsabagh. I graduated from Wayne State University last spring with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. As I'm sure we can all attest to, this year was not easy. We should all be proud of ourselves for accomplishing such a challenging semester in an unprecedented and difficult way!

With that being said, I'm eager to put in the work to make our 2L year more interactive and bearable so we can ease some of the stress that comes with being a law student. I have many ideas that I'd love to share and work on with fellow board members.

Please consider voting for me for your 2L Vice President so I can have the opportunity to be a strong advocate for you and what you need! Thank you.

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