99 Percent Agenda
Joe Ninety-Nine 0

99 Percent Agenda

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40 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We the undersigned seek to end the ownership of our government by corporate and financial interests, restore Justice and Fairness to American society, and provide real-world solutions to re-establish the American Dream. To do this, we will work to force our government to:

1. Prosecute Fraud committed during the 2008 financial collapse. Claw back bonuses and fees gained from the practices which caused that collapse.
2. Repeal Bush tax cuts, returning to what was working in the '90s.
3. Eliminate income limits to payroll taxes.
4. Offer Student Loans at the Federal Reserve Discount Rate (currently 0.75%), directly from the Fed.
5. Re-Enact Glass Steagall - no more "too big to fail."

6. Re-enact a Financial Transaction Fee.
7. Support a constitutional amendment providing for Term Limits for Senate & House members.
8. Reform Senate Rules - no more Filibuster!
9. Enact a simple campaign finance law:  Candidates cannot accept a contribution from anyone not registered to vote for the office for which he or she is standing, and cannot accept a contribution in excess of $50. PERIOD!

10. Enact a substantial Infrastructure Reconstruction Program, investing in our children's future and employing our returning Vets and the senseless unemployed.


Joe Ninety-Nine & Frank Agenda


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