Challenge planning permission 99 Alexandra rd Hull
We need your help. We have been alarmed to find that there is a planning application for a change the use of Monicas Snooker Club, 99 Alexandra Rd to retail. Lloyds Pharmacies want to open an extended hour store, open until 11 at night and all day Sunday. We feel Alexandra road is not suitable location for this change of use. The application may also threaten your local pharmacy services and ultimately result in a loss of services in your local area. We ask Hull City Council to reject this planning application on the grounds that 1. Access to Alexandra Rd is poor 2. The road is congested 3. There are no parking facilities 4. The road is unsuitable for retail use 5. There is no precedent for retail use on the side streets 6. The existing European funded area of Newland Avenue and Beverley road would suffer as a result