New York State 911 Cell Phone Surcharge Tax

Each one of us that gets a cell phone bill every month, if you look on that, there's $1.20 charge.The state says $0.70 goes to public safety and communications and the other $0.50 go to the general fund. For Example "Our estimates [are] that they're taking almost $1 million out of Oneida County and they're giving back $120,000," say Kevin Revere Oneida County Director of Emergency Services. This not only affect Oneida County, but all others in New York. Even if you've never called 911, these costs still affect you. Why? Because counties are forced to make up the difference by tacking it onto your tax bill.Congress has also been looking into this issue. They say New York is one of five states left not returning money directly to 911 centers.The New York State 911 Coordinators Association recently filed an FCC dispute over New York's submissions to Congress. County 911 and the fund avaiable to them can mean the difference between life and death in many situtations. Please show your support for New York to return all 911 surcharges to the counties.