In the recent light of events unfolding after the murder of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, protest have sparked all over the nation as a result of the excessive force used by police in these cases. Although there have been peaceful protest, media attention, and conversations started-many are left to ask, what next? Change in policing happens at the local level and with over 18,000 local police forces in the United States, this change is no small task.
I want to challenge our city of Bowling Green, Kentucky to immediately implement the #8thatcantwait
Eight that can’t wait is a organization that has enacted 8 policies that have been proven in local communities to decrease excessive force cases by 72%
Here they are:
1) Ban chokeholds and stranglehold’s
2) Require deescalation
3) Require a warning before shooting
4) Exhaust all other means before shooting
5) Duty of witnessing officers to intervene
6) Ban shooting at moving vehicles
7) Require a use of force continuum
8) Require comprehensive reporting
Please visit the 8cantwait.org for more information.
I believe it is crucial in our small community of Bowling Green that we have full transparency. With two police forces (WKU police and Bowling Green PD), a bustling college town that brings in much diversity and a significant refugee community, it’s crucial that we citizens of Bowling Green, feel safe and protected.
Please support me in calling on the local leaders below to ensure we enact the 8 can’t wait policies immediately!
Local leaders:
Mayor: Bruce Wilkerson
BG PD Chief: Doug Hawkins
WKU PD Chief: Mitchell Walker
District Attorney: Amy Milliken
President of WKU: Timothy Caboni