Sand Harbor South Landscaping Reform Petition / 社区废物回退了一份请愿书

If you are an Owner, you may formally complain to the Board by placing a letter in the Clubhouse mailbox or presenting it at the next meeting. Our suggested letter is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/umcwa65t27vople/letterpe...
Landscaping Reform Petition
Burnett Landscape & Development workers currently visit Sand Harbour South every Wednesday and Friday, a total of 8-10 times per month, which the undersigned feel to be an unnecessary expense more harmful than beneficial for Community quality of life and property values.
In order to eliminate, among other things, excessive lawn and other cutting which harms aesthetics, cut back on as much as $50-$100 per month in waste per resident, and reduce noise and air pollution and Association Liability stemming from the current landscaping contract and schedule, we the undersigned Petition the Board to:
- Eliminate most of the problem by cutting Burnett's days down to every 1st and 3rd Friday of each month from every Wednesday and Friday presently, and negotiate a correspondingly lower landscaping bill;
- Explore using part of the resulting savings to require Burnett to use quiet, corded electric tools on remaining days, to further minimize disrupting residents and the Community's environmental impact;
- Ban further loud activity on Burnett's remaining days prior to 10:30am;
- Repatriate savings to the Community in the form of reduced HOA dues.
From Google Translate:
伯内特景观开发人员目前正在参观 Sand Harbour South 每周三和周五,总共每月的8-10倍,这信守的感觉是一个不必要的开支比利于对生命和财产的价值共同体质量的危害更大。
为了消除,除其他事项外,过多的草坪和其他切削哪些危害美学,削减了高达$ 50- $ 100元每月每驻地浪费,减少噪音和空气污染,协会责任从目前的环境美化合同所产生和日程安排,我们信守信访局:
- 消除大部分的问题由每周三和周五目前切割每个月的伯内特的日子到每一个第一和第三日,并协商相应较低的美化议案;
- 探索利用由此节省的一部分,要求伯内特使用在余下的日子里安静的,有绳电动工具,进一步减少干扰居民和社区对环境的影响;
- 至10:30禁止在伯内特的剩余天数进一步大声活动之前;
- 遣返储蓄向社会减少HOA费的形式。