8 year delay in the appointment of Jeeyar for the Sri Yadugiri Yathiraja Mutt.
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Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha
President(s), Office bearers and Committee Members
Sri Yadugiri Yathiraja Mutt Committee(s)
Melkote, Bangalore, Mysore, Belur, Malur, Chennai shaakhas
Shishyas and Abhimanis (Well Wishers) of
Sri Yadugiri Yathiraja Mutt
February 15, 2013
Dear Sir/Madam
Subject: 8 year delay in the appointment of Jeeyar for the Sri Yadugiri Yathiraja Mutt.
Sri Yadugiri Yathiraja Mutt (YYM), being one of the main Mutts established by Shri Bhagavad Ramanuja Himself, has the rare distinction of having Sri Bhashyakarar Himself as the founding Mathadhipati. Over the last many centuries it has been one of the prime contributors towards preserving and propagating the tenets of Shri Vaishnavism and Vishishtaadvaita. It is very unfortunate to note that this great institution is languishing without a Peethadhipati for the past eight long years.
We write this letter, after having waited for so long to witness the pattabhishekam of our new Mathadhipathi. After the Paramapada Prapthi of Sri Yadugiri Yathiraja Sampathkumara Ramanuja Jeeyar in April 2005, it was assumed that the representatives of managing committees of the branches of YYM would come together in a time bound fashion towards the appointment of the next Jeeyar.
We understand that for various reasons the efforts of the management committees have not borne the desired fruit. For Sri Vaishnavas, SamAshrayanam is the critical and the most important first step towards affiliating with an Acharya and thus establishing ones link to the Sri Vaishnava guru paramparA. The delay in appointing a Jeeyar for our Mutt has greatly affected the ability of Shishyas & Abhimanis towards taking this first step in Sri Vaishnavism. The absence of a Jeeyar or Acharyan at the Mutt has forced several prospective Shishyas and new family members of existing Shishyas to move way to other
Acharyas or Mutts. This situation needs to be addressed with immediate priority to conserve the importance and sanctity of YYM and prevent undesired comments from various quarters. It should be recalled that the Jeeyar of our Mutt enjoys some unique honours in several of the Divya Desam temples. Failure to appointment of a Jeeyar in good speed raises a very high risk of the Mutt loosing such honours. Absence of the pontiff at the top has also created a big void in terms of spiritual guidance for the young and old members of the Shishya and Abhimani community.
This letter is not in any way intended to pass judgments on the efforts of the Yathiraja Mutt Committee(s) nor is it intended to support the appointment of a specific individual as the Jeeyar of Sri YYM.This letter, requests and demands the YYM Management Committees to give a commitment on the likely date on which a new Jeeyar could be coronated to the peetam on or before March 8, 2013.
The Shishyas and Abhimanis (well wishers) of the mutt reiterate that this initiative is ONLY to get the Jeeyar appointed to the mutt at the earliest. We wish that this initiative will also expedite the serious concerted efforts by the office bearers and Shishyas jointly towards the mentioned date of Pattabishekam.
Failure to recognize and respond to the wishes of the Sishyas and Abhimanis by the committee(s) would force us to rethink and pursue alternative courses of action towards achieving this objective.
Your Sincerely,