Stop poaching

How have humans affected the ecosystems We have affected ecosystems in almost every way imaginable! Every time we walk out in the wilderness or bulldoze land for a new parking lot we are drastically altering an ecosystem. We have disrupted the food chain, the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and the water cycle. Mining minerals also takes its toll on an ecosystem. We need to do our best to not interfere in these ecosystems and let nature take its toll. With this you now see what we are doing to destroy our own home, but what are we doing to stop it Every day animals are being hunted and kill for something as small as a horn made from the same material as our own fingernails, or as large as their fur coat. People say their mindless animals, well what if you where the rhino that was killed for its horn or the snow leopard shot for its fur. I ask that you go to http://dnr.state.il.us/espb/datelist.htm and see the many endangered species there are today. Also please visit http://www.earthsendangered.com/ to see them listed in alphabetical order. Please and thank you for reading my concerns about our wild life!