Pesha Wright 0

6th Street Speed Bumps

19 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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19 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Hello Neighbors,

Speeding on 6th Street between Baseline and Euclid is a serious issue directly impacting those of us living on 6th and in the surrounding area. Because 6th Street is steep, cars often come down the hill at very unsafe speeds, creating an unsafe environment for our children and for ourselves to turn in and out of our driveways and side streets. Due to a lack of funding to The Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program since 2003, the city has been unable to implement roundabouts and speed bumps in neighborhood areas, resulting in the use of inefficient measures, such as speed monitors, to control speed in the area. By signing this petition you are asking our Boulder City Council to reallocate funds to The Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program for the implementation of speed bumps in our area. Thank you for your time and support!


Rob and Pesha Wright

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