Action for a New Agenda: Indiana Students for Peace in Iraq

We, the undersigned, believe that the current situation in Iraq is unacceptable, unconstitutional, and is in direct violation of international law. United States foreign policy since the invasion began five years ago has done much more harm than good to the region. While the goals of promoting democracy and national security are admirable, the means that the United States has used to do so are ineffective and contrary to our goals. As the next generation of leaders and current taxpayers of the U.S., it is our civic duty to insist that a new course be taken in Iraq. As active citizens, we will use the next presidential election to choose a leader who will enact a just, legal, and logical foreign policy to end the Iraq war. We insist that any new foreign policy in Iraq include the following: I. An apology to the nation of Iraq and the world at large for initiating the Iraq War without a just cause or sufficient research, including a promise that the U.S. will never again wage a preemptive war. II. The immediate suspension of any and all use of horrific U.S. military weaponry in Iraq such as white phosphorous, depleted uranium, cluster bombs, and napalm-like MK-77 bombs. III. Relinquishing leadership of all military missions \"peacekeeping\" and otherwise to the Iraqi forces, and, if necessary, the international community via the United Nations. IV. Removal of all private American security forces, and the establishment of laws that enable them to be held accountable for their actions. V. Full economic support in the Iraqi-lead reconstruction effort. The needs of the Iraqi people should not be dictated by the U.S. government. Rather, Iraqi citizens and government should set the reconstruction agenda. VI. Full control of Iraqi oil left to the Iraqi people. VII. The immediate suspension of illegal detainment and torture.