Jake Dietrich 0

Milhaus Rezoning Petition for 5858 College

101 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jake Dietrich 0 Comments
101 people have signed. Add your voice!
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*NOTE* - When signing the petition, please indicate which neighborhood you live in (in the "Comments" section) to signify your interest in this petition (E.g. Jane Doe - Meridian Kessler). Thanks!

Summary: I am familiar with Milhaus Development’s plans to redevelop the AT&T property as a mixed use development with 100 apartments and 9,400 square feet of retail. Milhaus has paid particular attention to the design the project to be appropriate for the commercial node of College Avenue and Kessler Boulevard - while also being sensitive to the residential character of the urban neighborhood in which it is located. I am in support of the project and request that the Metropolitan Development Commission approve the petition for rezoning and variances so that this project can move ahead.

Additional Information: In connection with its development proposal, Milhaus met with neighbors and participated in five public meetings before the Meridian Kessler Neighborhood Association. Along the way Milhaus incorporated neighbor feedback and concerns in an effort to arrive at a development plan that fits the neighborhood. Concessions that Milhaus has agreed to include the following:

  • Unit count has been reduced from 125 to 100 units from initial concept (this is reduced from over 200 units proposed by previous developer)
  • Increased parking ratio, well above what is required by the zoning ordinance
  • Saving the existing street trees along College Ave.
  • Respecting neighborhood wishes by restricting ingress and egress into the Site to College Avenue only by blocking alley access
  • Allowing neighbor to the south to continue to use Milhaus property in its present state as his private backyard
  • Included use restrictions on the retail
  • Included one parking space in the rent for residents
  • Adding a traffic light on College instead of forcing residents and guests to do a u-turn at College and Kessler or travel the streets west of the neighborhood to loop around
  • Included commitment to add trees along the south property line to block views from the property towards residences to the south
  • Stepped the south wing of the building back significantly so as to not impede over southern neighbor’s residence.
  • Overnight public, resident, or guest parking shall not be allowed in the retail parking lot.

Conclusion: In summary, I feel that the Milhaus proposal is a productive and respectful reuse of the former AT&T office building and parking lot. I am signing this Petition in support of Milhaus so that this project can move forward.

*NOTE* - When signing the petition, please indicate which neighborhood you live in to signify your interest in this petition. Thanks!

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