5 Minute Permitted Parking on GCU Campus

Grand Canyon University needs to provide at least 2 designated "5 minute parking" spots for each housing facility on campus for the following reasons:
1. The whole entire area around each apartment and dorm is marked as a fire lane. There are no designated "5 minute parking" spots for students to temporarily use.
2. Making multiple trips with large, bulky items from 29th avenue parking garage (or Halo, for other students) is unreasonable. Students have to get to class, do homework, and study. Our academics are the first priority, and the copious amounts of time it takes to walk back and forth are unreasonable.
3. Pertaining to #2, the golf cart services are scarce and it takes just as much time to wait for them. They also fill up very quickly. The chances of catching a cart are very slim.
4. Students should not be transporting numerous bulky items, large and awkward items and furniture. The majority of the year, temperatures are in the 90-100+ degree range. Walking back and forth between campus and parking garages in extreme heat poses a serious health risk. Risk of injury also increases significantly.
Lastly, I would like to add that a $100 fine is not reasonable for many students, including myself. As college students, the balance between student debt, excelling in classes, graduation fees, grad school fees, groceries, etc. does not allow for a lot of financial flexibility. At least a 50% cut would make a huge difference to a student. Numerous students have expressed frustrations and anxiety over financial challenges and parking tickets.