Say NO! To 43rd Ward Carve-Up!
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

We the citizens and voters of Chicago's 43rd Ward demand that the City Council leave our ward intact and as it is. We reject the proposed map that carves our community into FOUR separate wards. This re-map would dilute our political voice - we have long stood for good government and independent politics in Lincoln Park. It would make community planning a chaos and negate years of grassroots planning efforts. No thank you!
43rd Ward Citizens for Good Government
Alderman Michelle Smith - http://ward43.org
Contact the Skyline Newspapers - http://www.skylinenewspaper.com
Contact the Booster Newspapers - http://www.insideonline.com
Contact the Skyline Newspapers - http://www.skylinenewspaper.com
Contact the Booster Newspapers - http://www.insideonline.com