three storey apartments valley drive Ilkley west yorkshire

Petition against the extreme height and proximity of the intended housing development for 56 apartments at valley drive, benrhydding, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 We agree in principle to a normal housing development i.e. two storeys high and a reasonable distance away from private housing, but NOT this intended development in its current state as they intend to go nearly four storeys high and encroach to within five metres of some properties this is causing alarm and concern amongst many residents. This huge development will dominate the skyline for miles around and will block out much needed light to the residents and we feel is not compatible to this rural area as most properties in this area are only two storeys high in sympathy with the environment. Not only will it be very oppressive but it will instantly devalue every house surrounding the site. We know the plans have been approved but most people have not had the time to visit town halls etc living busy lifestyles, some people are disabled and others don't have internet connections we feel that A4 sheets of plans and a 3D drawing of the proposal should have been included with the original letter of intent, that way democracy works! and people can immediately see what is being constructed. They intend to start work soon in April so we need as many voices as we can to make them rethink about the implications of what they are doing they have already gouged up large healthy trees in their bid to get as near to the surrounding houses as possible leaving no cover whatsoever for some residents. If you would like to view the plans/drawings they can be accessed as follows: type in BRADFORD PLANNING DEPARTMENT in GOOGLE or similar. click on PUBLIC ACCESS FOR PLANNING enter thr reference number: 09/03175/ful and click SEARCH. click on DOCUMENTS 46. Then see any document by clicking on VIEW DOCUMENT. Please support this cause before they start laying the first foundations and ruin the area THANK YOU.