Petition Against Zoning Change at 3236 Peace Valley Lane

Ravenwood Park and Other Concerned Residents Are Petitioning to Deny a Change in the Current Zoning for 3236 Peace Valley Lane Residents of Ravenwood Park, along with others of surrounding communities, have joined together in opposition to changing the zoning of the property located at 3236 Peace Valley Lane from R-3 to R-12. The property is currently zoned for single-family homes which is compatible with the adjoining properties in Ravenwood Park. The developer, Concordia Group, has asked county officials to support a change in the zoning to R-12 to allow for the building of 12-14 townhomes. He has asked that the county give expedited consideration to a zoning amendment (which requires changes to the county's Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance) rather than waiting to submit it during the regular 5-year plan review process. The proposed townhomes would result in a higher residential density and would be incompatible with the county’s current Comprehensive Plan. It would bring increased traffic and population density with little or no planning for the current infrastructure or future revitalization. The traffic on Route 7, especially around the Mosque, is at full capacity. The entire Seven Corners area has lacked any county planning regarding revitalization, except for the haphazard nominations proposed by various developers through the APR 5-year nomination process. The zoning of R-3, which would allow five single-family detached homes to be built on the property, should remain as is and any infill or building of properties should be consistent and harmonious with the current established neighborhoods.
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