30mph Limit on A134 North of Gt Horkesley
We are concerned about the speed of traffic between the start of the 40mph limit at the Post Office and end at The Rose and Crown, and particularly where there are dwellings on both sides of the road and dangerous junctions between and near to the junctions with Boxted Road and Boxted Church Road. We believe that the speed limit should be reduced to 30mph and that other traffic calming measures should be introduced. We are concerned about the safety of all road users and residents, particularly given the situation and poor condition of the pavements, and the heavy use of the A134 itself and the increasing and inappropriate use of Boxted Road as a rat-run to Junction 28 of the A12 and elsewhere.
There are very real safety issues arising as vehicles try to pull out on to the A134 either from the 20+ dwellings that exit directly onto the A134, or from the increasingly busy side roads. There is heavy and fast-moving traffic; and sight-lines are not clear. This is exemplified by the serious accident last September 13th. This is a one mile stretch of road and the consequence of reducing the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph is that the journey along this part would take an extra 30 seconds. An extra 30 seconds could save lives. We call upon Great Horkesley Parish Council and Essex County Council to take this issue seriously and take all measures possible to deliver a reduced speed limit and any further measures to reduce the speed of traffic as soon as possible.