I would like to give this petition to the RCS school board members. I want them to continue to strive for a uniform for the students and the adults as well. It is cheaper to purchase the uniform than the logo clothing, so it is cost effective to the parents. It is also nice to see the students looking nice when they go to school. It rids the school of the wasted time monitoring the student attire instead of using all the hours of the day educating our students. It would be nice for the parents to support the educators. Students need to realize there are rules, and that is just the way it is. They can practice individuality with their clothing during non-school time. Weekends, evenings, and holidays. I also want to make clear though that everyone on school payroll should follow the same dress code as the students.I also believe they should go one step further and not allow the adults to wear jeans. The kids are not bankers either. Lead by example.Don't ask for more of the students than you are willing to do yourselves.Lets get on board and really support our schools.