26 & 30 Milbrook Road - Petition to the Medfield Conservation Commission
Thomas Curry 0

26 & 30 Milbrook Road - Petition to the Medfield Conservation Commission

95 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Thomas Curry 0 Comments
95 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The Petition of certain citizens of the Town of Medfield and members of the Gun Hill Estates Neighborhood and surrounding area draws to the attention of the Conservation Commission of the Town of Medfield the strong opposition to the Notice of Intent in connection to the proposed project at 26 & 30 Milbrook Rd. (Map 52 Lots 41 & 43) dated January 14, 2021.

As you know, the project involves the fill of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and work within the 50’ Bylaw Buffer Zone. Many, if not all, of the Petitioners below can speak to the beauty and serenity of this rare stretch of undeveloped land along Milbrook Road. Wetlands help clean drinking water supplies, prevent flooding and storm damage, and support a variety of wildlife in our community. The disturbance of this land for the construction of a single-family house within the 50-Foot No-Disturb Area and the 100-Foot buffer zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and filling and replication of wetlands has the potential to cause undue harm to both the land itself and direct abutters of the land in which the project is proposed.

Many can also attest to how wet these lots are for the majority of the year and the fear exists that altering the water table and composition of the land could prove to be detrimental should the project be approved. In addition, the composition of the Neighborhood does not lend itself to houses constructed so close to a direct abutters’ property line. It is no coincidence that these lots have remained undeveloped for decades while the remainder of the Neighborhood was constructed.

The Petitioners therefore respectfully request that the Conversation Commission considers the community opposition as set forth above and factor this into their decision to approve or deny the Applicant’s Notice of Intent.

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