20's Plenty for Godalming

The speed at which you drive is a matter of choice and it is speed that KILLS.
1 in every 5 pedestrians struck by drivers doing up to 30mph is killed. At up to 40mph, the fatality rate increases to 90% - just 1 in 10 pedestrians will survive such a collision.
So let's choose to care for each other; wherever people walk, wherever people cycle, let's say, "20's Plenty for us!". How can you help? We hope that individuals and groups will sign up to 20's Plenty for Godalming and, on your behalf, we will take the cause to our local councils.
We know that some people, including some people in positions of authority, are going to say things like 'this is a ridiculous idea, it will never work'. They are wrong. 20's plenty was tried across the whole of Portsmouth for 12 months across more than 400km of urban roads and IT WORKED. There was a statistically significant drop in the accident rate. Now other cities are taking it up, including Leicester and Oxford and there is a nationwide movement with an excellent website where you can find out more about the scheme.
So please sign this petition and do make a supportive comment and please cascade this message out to all your friends and family and local groups in Binscombe, Busbridge, Farncombe, Godalming and Ockford Ridge. Also, please tell us where you think speed is a particular problem in the Godalming area.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and we look forward to hearing from you.
The 20's Plenty for Godalming team: Penny Rivers,Cherry Allan, Julie Rand, Chris Peck, Alec McAlden and Kathy Smyth