Support 20 is Plenty for Washington State
Senator Mary Margaret Haugen 305 Cherberg Building Olympia, WA 98504-0410 Dear Senator Haugen: We represent thousands of individuals who are interested in safe and healthy streets. From Rainier Beach to West Seattle to Ballard to Lake City, and other places across the state, we represent people who want their streets to be safe when they drive, safe when they walk, and safe when they ride a bicycle. As Chair of the Washington State Senate Transportation Committee, you must know, as we do, that one especially effective tool for making our residential streets safer places for people whether they are eight years old or eighty is a residential speed zone of 20 miles per hour. This year, we encourage you to support the newest version of the Neighborhood Safe Streets Bill that will allow our cities and towns local authority to establish 20 mph zones on non-arterial streets to protect us all. Thank you for being a public servant for so many years. We look forward to your legacy of providing safe streets in Washington State for us all. Sincerely, •Barbara Gordon, Eastlake Greenways •Bob Edmiston, Madison Park/Valley Greenways Organizer, Madison Park Community Council Board •Cathy Tuttle, Executive Director, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways •Clint Loper, Northeast Seattle Greenways and Coordinator of Walk.Bike.Schools •Devor Barton, Beacon B.I.K.E.S. •Dylan Ahearn, Beacon B.I.K.E.S. •Eli Goldberg, Coordinator of University Greenways •Gordon Padelford, Central Seattle Greenways •Janine Blaeloch, Coordinator of Lake City Greenways •Jennifer Litowski, Ballard Greenways Coordinator •Julia Field, Undriving Founder and Ballard Greenways •Lisa Quinn, Executive Director of Feet First •Madeleine Carlson, Wallingford Greenways, biking parent of kindergartener and preschooler •Merlin Rainwater, RN, MN; Central Seattle Greenways •Michael Herschensohn, Queen Anne Greenways and Queen Anne Historical Society President •Michael and Kathi Snyder, Ballard Greenways •Nicholas Richter, Central Seattle Greenways •Shannon Dunn & Dawn Hemminger, East Ballard Community Association •Timo Reger, Ballard Greenways Seattle Neighborhood Greenways