20/20 report on truck drivers pov

This petition was created requesting that 20/20 , as a purposed fair and unbiased journalistic media outlet meets our requests to document a truck drivers life from their point of view. The same reporter who prepared and reported the biased report on truck drivers will agree, in accordance with this petition; to ride with a single truck driver for a period of ONE week with a single freight company that is willing to allow such a report and is a neutral carrier (no ABC or affliated carriers).The journalist will go through the same lifestyle as the driver in regards to no hotel and sleeping in the truck. . There will be no special accommodations such as hotel rooms etc to be made. The purpose is to demostrate what these truck drivers go through as they ARE the backbone of America. We request NO editing other than bleeping curse words to satisfy guidelines set forth for media outlets. If this request is not meet then we have the right to post the petition with all obtained signatures and consent of those who signed online with other media outlets to demostrate 20/20s unwillingness to be an unbiased media outlet and report on BOTH sides of the story and will be assumed that the original report was sensationalized for rating purposes.