Keith Kampert 0


466 signers. Add your name now!
Keith Kampert 0 Comments
466 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

In an effort to show the District 158 Board of Education the wishes of the people, we ask your help. By signing this petition you are stating to the Board that you prefer to start school the last week of August or later. **IN THE AREA LISTED, COMMENTS, PLEASE FILL IN YOUR PREFERRED 2010 START DATE AND ADDRESS. ** (When you submit your signature, ipetitions.com will ask if you would like to make a donation to this website, this is NOT necessary for your signature to be registered and you may exit out from the site at that time.) The last time this was done in 2006, we gathered 482 signatures in 1.5 weeks. We did not use a petition website as we are now. We hope this on-line petition makes it easier for everyone to voice their opinion, while aiding us in collecting many more signatures and preferred start dates. Please forward this website petition along to others in the District. 2006 results were as follows; 49% in favor of an August 28th start date or later 32% in favor of an September 5th start date or later 19% in favor of an August 21st start date or later 97% of all people spoken to signed the petition 81% wanted a start date of no earlier than August 28, 90% of the teachers we polled chose August 28th or later **IN THE AREA LISTED, COMMENTS, PLEASE FILL IN YOUR PREFERRED 2010 START DATE, AND ADDRESS. ** We will be tallying the results and presenting them to the Board December 17th 2009 at 7pm. Please try to attend this meeting to show your support.


The parents of District 158 children
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