Highway 151 in Fond du Lac needs a Bypass, Interchanges, and Overpasses

We, the undersigned, request Governor Doyle to provide authorization and the DOT to build interchanges at Highway T and Highway V (South), provide access roads to these from Martin and Rienzi, provide access to Highway 175 Main St. from Highway 41 and 151 (now and in the future). We request these true improvements as soon as possible but no later than 2010. If this cannot be achieved due to funding, we request access be restored and signal lights be installed at Highway T and Highway V until such improvements can be funded and until this roadway becomes a true \"freeway\". We further emphasize the detriments of continued closure to economic growth of the city, townships surrounding and the county, the detriments to a large number of businesses in lost business and increased costs, the waste of energy, the increased cost to citizens in the form of high price fuel for additional travel, the impact on senior citizens, and the total disregard by the DOT for the needs of the community.