145 Collis Marina Road Setback Variance Request
Mark Street 0

145 Collis Marina Road Setback Variance Request

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JUNE, 2020

RE: Public Hearing Agenda on 6/4/2020

Item #10 on the Agenda: Request by Mark Smith, agent for Duke Gibbs, for a side and rear yard setback variance at 145 Collis Marina Road. Presently zoned RM-2. [Map 104B, Parcel 011, District 3].


All the property owners signing this petition are OPPOSED to both the side and rear yard setback variances being requested above.

No hardship exists to prohibit the use of this parcel as currently zoned. The parcel was rezoned to current RM-2 based on its ability to accommodate six (6) units. This variance request is an attempt to extract more profit from the land by increasing the unit count to ten (10) at the determent to adjacent (both sides) single-family unit homeowners' use, enjoyment and property value. The applicant can build up to six (6) units, as previously established when RM-2 was approved, and proceed without any setback variances as requested.


May 21, 2020

TO: Planning & Zoning Commission

FROM: Lisa Jackson

RE: Staff Recommendation for Public Hearing Agenda on 6/4/2020

The applicant is requesting a 35-foot rear yard setback variance, being 65 feet from the nearest point to the lake. He is also requesting a 10-foot side yard setback variance, being 10 feet from the left side property line when facing the lake. He would like to combine this property with the adjacent lot to build two 5-unit buildings. The buildings would be a total of 10,800 square feet each. This lot is unique in its shape and measures 570 feet in length and has a lot width at building setback of 100 feet. The 35-foot variance will allow proper access to the proposed units and meet the 30-foot front yard setback minimum. In reference to the 10-foot side yard variance, the subject property abuts an R-1 residential property and due to the of the character of an R-M development, it is staff’s opinion that the 20-foot side yard setback should be adhered to when possible. Therefore, staff suggest that the applicant consider repositioning the building or reduce the number of proposed units to accommodate the side yard setback. However, due to the unique shape of the two parcels along with the limited buildable area, a rear yard setback is needed. Therefore, this request meets the conditions as stated in Putnam County, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 66- 157(c)(1).

Although the applicants are seeking a 10-foot side yard setback variance, being 10 feet from the left side property line when facing the lake, and a 35-foot rear yard setback variance being 65 feet from the nearest point to the lakes, staff recommendation is for denial of a 10-foot side yard setback variance, being 10 feet from the left-side property line when facing the lake, and approval a 35-foot rear yard setback variance, being 65 feet from the nearest point to the lake at 145 Collis Marina Road [104B, Parcel 011, District 3].

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